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In this way, how can you tell which fraction is smaller?
Step 1: Compare denominators. If they are different,rewrite one or both fractions with a common denominator.Step 2: Check the numerators. If the denominators are thesame, then the fraction with the greater numerator is thegreater fraction.
Keeping this in consideration, which fraction is bigger 1 2 or 2 3?
A fraction with the same numerator (number ontop) as another but with a smaller denominator (number on bottom)is a larger number. For example 1/2 is biggerthan 1/3 which is bigger than 1/4, etc. To express afraction as a percentage, find the decimal form and multiplyby 100.
The order is 2/3, 5/6, 10/11. For thosesmaller than 1/2, 2/5 is larger than 1/4 (numerators threeless than denominators), 1/3 is larger than 1/4 (samenumerator), and 2/5 is larger than 1/3 (compare usingequivalent fractions 6/15 and 5/15). The order is 1/4, 1/3,2/5.