Asked by: Sherlyn Cabral
home and garden landscaping

What fruit trees can grow in Seattle?

While “fruit tree” is a large and diverse category, most fruit trees planted in Seattle-area backyards are apples, plums and pears.

Similarly one may ask, what type of fruit trees grow best in Seattle?

For the time being, I am going to try to decide what the most common fruiting plants that produce well here in Seattle: In no particular order, we have Apples, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries.

Furthermore, what grows well in Seattle?
  • plant Beans plant harvest.
  • transplant Tomatoes, Cucumbers harvest.
  • plant Summer Squash.
  • transplant Onions.
  • *Peas.
  • *Lettuce.
  • Potatoes.
  • *Asian Greens, Mustards, Spinach.

Secondly, what fruit trees grow in Washington state?

Just as apples, pears, sweet cherries and other stone fruits (e.g., peach, nectarine, apricot, etc.) are successfully grown in Washington for commercial markets, they can also be grown in one's backyard at home.

What is the best time to plant fruit trees?

When to Plant Fruit. Planting in the late winter or early spring is generally the best time to get your new fruit trees in the ground. As long as the ground isn't too frozen to dig a hole, you should be good to go. Bare root stock should be planted in winter, while raspberries and blueberries can be planted into spring

Related Question Answers

Tejinder Pohlschmidt


When should I plant trees in Seattle?

Fall is the best time of year to plant a new tree in Seattle. Trees planted in October-December benefit from our fall and winter rains, developing a stronger root system before the next summer dry spell.

Martynas Schepmann


Can you grow oranges in Washington state?

Growing Citrus Trees in the Northwest. Believe it or not, it isn't hard to grow a lifetime supply of free organic citrus. Citrus trees don't have lots of pest issues and they are highly resistant to disease. Even if you live in a climate with very cold winters, you can still enjoy fresh, organic citrus grown at home.

Cathy Teboul


What fruit trees grow best in Spokane WA?

Here in the Spokane area corn is one of the easiest crops to grow. thornless blackberries, logan berries and many fruit trees. We have apple, peach, plum, cherry and pear.

Pierluigi Larrauz


Can you grow peaches in Western Washington?

In western Washington, peaches and nectarines do tend to fight leaf curl and other problems with cold, wet weather around bloom time. At WSU's Tukey Orchard in Pullman, horticulturalists grow 11 varieties of peaches. Europeans also cultivated peaches as a treat for royalty.

Adrian Leclercq


What kind of trees grow in Seattle?

There are hundreds of varieties of Maple, but the most common species in Seattle are the Red, Norway, Japanese, Vine, and Bigleaf Maples.

Amandina Porai-Koshits


How long does it take for a plant to establish?

Generally, it takes plants at least two years to fully develop a sustaining root system. Properly planted and watered plants should be fairly well established, and can thrive with less watering than you may expect.

Generoso Benzenhofer


Can Citrus trees grow in Washington state?

You can enjoy the wonderful fragrance and luxury of growing citrus trees and harvesting fresh citrus fruit in Seattle, but it does require a couple of conditions: Citrus trees need a sunny spot, and they will require protection from the coldest months of the year – typically late November through March.

Marcella Ytry


What grows best in Washington State?

Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardens for Western Washington
  • BEANS. Plant Bush beans until late July to produce a good crop before frost.
  • BEETS. Beets can be planted until August 1 and produce a dependable crop.
  • BROCCOLI. Direct seed until mid-July and transplant until mid-August.

Friday Coch


Can mango trees grow in Washington?

Mangoes (Mangifera indica) are a tropical fruit that need warm conditions to grow. If you live in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10b through 11, you can grow mangoes. These trees are not very cold tolerant, and even a mild frost can cause serious damage to parts of the tree.

Calista Amiri


Can you grow pistachios in Washington state?

Washington farmers markets are chock-full of nuts. There are cashews, pistachios, pecans and almonds. And hazelnuts, like those grown at the Holmquist orchards in Lynden, Whatcom County. But it's not where the nuts go that has the Holmquist family riled up — it's where they come from.

Narjis Lenhart


What nut trees grow in Washington state?

Many nut trees like the almond tree, black walnut tree and the filbert trees grow well in Washington. The Chinese chestnut tree is very cold hardy and the American chestnut tree is a native blight resistant variety that produces very large sweet chestnut kernels.

Mehak Checa


What trees are native to Washington state?

There are approximately 25 native tree species in the state of Washington. Some of the more well-known species include the Western hemlock, Douglas fir, Western red cedar, Sitka spruce, red alder and ponderosa pine. The Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) is Washington's state tree.

Jaber Espla


Can you grow pomegranates in Washington?

In the U.S. pomegranates can be grown outside as far north as southern Utah and Washington, D.C. but seldom set fruit in these areas. The tree adapts well to container culture and will sometimes fruit in a greenhouse."

Stefanica Boshans


Where can Rainier cherry trees grow?

Rainier cherry trees thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8. Plant the tree in loamy soil in a full sun location. Care of Rainier cherry trees is not harder than that of other cherry varieties, and includes irrigation, pest control and occasional use of organic fertilizer.

Himad Tisserant


Can fig trees grow in Washington state?

Embryonic figs are able to survive most cold winters while unripe but nearly developed figs are not. Therefore, it is a good idea to prune fig trees in Western Washington with the goal of facilitating the production of summer figs and inhibiting the production of fall figs.

Guozhong Loitegui


Why do apples grow well in Washington?

Washington grows more apples than any other U.S. state. With its nutrient-rich soil, arid climate, plentiful water and advanced growing practices, Washington's lush apple orchards have been lovingly tended by multiple generations of family farms.

Yashira Troyas


What grows in Eastern Washington?

Washington leads the nation in production of twelve agricultural commodities.
  • Red raspberries, 90.5 percent of U.S. production.
  • Hops, 79.3 percent.
  • Spearamint Oil, 75 percent.
  • Wrinkled seed peas. 70.4 percent.
  • Apples, 71.7 percent.
  • Grapes, Concord, 55.1 percent.
  • Grapes, Niagra, 35.9 percent.
  • Sweet cherries, 62.3 percent.

Lauralee Rottkord


What growing zone is Seattle?

Seattle, Washington is in USDA Hardiness Zones 8b and 9a.

Primiano Guacollante


What can I plant now in Seattle?

Now, for all the summer vegetables like beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds and sunflowers, you should plant those seeds directly into the ground around March 24, or if your soil is still very cold, once the soil is near 60° F in temperature.