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Asked by: Kaye Honorio
books and literature childrens literatureWhat god or goddess witnessed the abduction of Persephone?
Considering this, what is Persephone the goddess of?
Greek Goddess of Spring. Daughter of DemeterandZeus, Persephone is the beautiful goddess ofspring.She is called Kore: Beautiful Maiden, She is also the Queenof theUnderworld. Her story is one of abduction, love, grief,andcelebration.
Moreover, what was Persephone doing when she was abducted?
Hades fell in love with Persephone and decidedtokidnap her. The myth says that in one of the rare timesheleft the Underworld, he traveled above ground to pursue her,whileshe was gathering flowers in a field.
The abduction from Hades According to Greek Mythology, Persephone,thequeen of the underworld, was the daughter of ZeusandDemeter, the goddess of harvest and fertility. She was alsocalledKore, which means "maiden" and grew up to be a lovelygirlattracting the attention of many gods.