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Similarly, what Greek root means skin?
Don't panic: epidermis is just a fancy wordforskin. The word epidermis comes from the Greekrootsepi meaning "upon" and derma, whichmeans"skin," a pretty apt translation, sinceepidermis is theouter layer of cell on the surface of an organism,in short —"the skin."
Correspondingly, which word contains a Greek root that means measure?
The Greek root word ge, commonly used intheEnglish prefix geo-, means “earth.”ThisGreek root is the word origin of a good numberofEnglish vocabulary words, including geology, geography,andgeometry. The Greek root word ge is easily recalledthroughthe English word geology, which is the study ofthe“earth.”
The root form, which means'shape,'gives us a number of words that are used every day,includingreform, information, deformed, and form. To 'form," forinstance,is simply 'to shape,' whereas to reform is merelyto'shape again.' To keep you inverbal“shape,” let's take a look at the way someotherwords are formed!