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In this manner, what era is 1200s?
The 12th century is the period from 1101 to 1200in accordance with the Julian calendar. In the history of Europeanculture, this period is considered part of the High Middle Ages andis sometimes called the Age of the Cistercians.
Beside this, what happened in the 1100?
World History 1100-1200 AD. 1106 AD Battle ofTinchebray- An English war of succession came to an end at theBattle of Tinchebray, in Normandy. It began with the death ofWilliam II, King of England on August 2nd, 1100. Henrydefeated Robert at Tinchebray and returned him inchains.
The 13th century was the century whichlasted from January 1, 1201 through December 31, 1300 in accordancewith the Julian calendar. After its conquests in Asia the MongolEmpire stretched from Eastern Asia to Eastern Europe, while theMuslim Delhi Sultanate conquered large parts of the Indiansubcontinent.