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2/24/2008 5:57 PM PT. Dog the BountyHunter'sson, Tucker -- who sold the infamous tape totheNational Enquirer -- was taken to the Oahu Correction FacilityonFriday for violating multiple terms of his parole. The POthenbrought Tucker in on Friday, revoked his parole and senthimto the slammer.
In this manner, what happened to Beth Chapman's son?
It's just, 'Dad's there, he can do it.'“Beth died on June 26 at the age of 51 followingheraggressive throat cancer diagnosis. “She quiteliterallychoked on her cancer.”
Keeping this in consideration, why was Dog Chapman in jail?
TV reality star Duane“Dog”Chapman and two co-stars on his showwere arrestedThursday in Hawaii on charges of illegaldetention and conspiracyin the bounty hunters' capture three yearsago of a cosmeticscompany heir. They throw us injail,” Chapmansaid in a federalcourtroom.
Lung cancer