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Accordingly, did someone die on the show Wipeout?
Wipeout Contestant Dies A contestant on U.S. TV gameshow Wipeouthas died after suffering a stroke while recovering from anon-set injury. Newlywed Tom Sparks, 33, complained of a knee injuryand shortness of breath as he tackled the show's obstaclecourse last month.
Subsequently, one may also ask, why did the show Wipeout end?
`Wipeout' Reality Show Contestant TomSparks Dies After ABC Show. The former radio disc jockeywas hospitalized after competing in the first segment of anobstacle course Oct. 19, and ultimately died two weeks later of astroke apparently caused by a rare condition, according to hisfather.
A contestant on ABC's “Wipeout” diedearlier this month following suffering a stroke, Access Hollywoodhas confirmed. Tom Sparks, 33, was injured on the setof the reality show on October 19, first complaining of knee painon an obstacle course.