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Asked by: Blaine Kimig
music and audio tv and film podcastsWhat happens if I turn off messages in iCloud?
Also, should messages be turned on in iCloud?
iPhone or iPad users To enable Message in iCloud, youhaveto opt in by going to the Settings app > AppleIDpage > iCloud, and then toggle on Messages. Asasecurity measure, you must enable two-factorauthentication.If you don't, turning on Messages iniCloudwill bring up a page to help you set itup.
Additionally, can I delete messages from iCloud?
Go to the "Settings" app and tap on "General."Tap"Storage & iCloud Usage," then "Manage Storage"belowthe iCloud section. Select the device you wishtodelete under "Backups." Tap "Turn Off &Delete"and the backup will be erased.
Definitely, iCloud save messageshistoryincluding iMessage, SMS (text messages), andMMSmessages on your iPhone. In fact, iOS 11. 4 has added anewfeature - Messages in iCloud, which cansaveiMessages to iCloud storage so that you can viewiPhonemessages on Mac, iPad and more.