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Subsequently, one may also ask, is rhubarb ever poisonous?
Rhubarb is poisonous. Most ofrhubarb's oxalate is in its leaves, so trim them off anddiscard them, and you're safe. There is almost no poison inrhubarb stalks. By the way, it's not easy to die from eatingrhubarb leaves.
Thereof, when should you not eat rhubarb?
The general rule of thumb is to not eat rhubarbfrom July on. This is for three reasons: 1.
Rhubarb leaves contain poisonoussubstances, including oxalic acid, which is a nephrotoxic acid thatis present in many plants. Humans have been poisoned afteringesting the leaves, a particular problem during World War I whenthe leaves were mistakenly recommended as a food source inBritain.