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Asked by: Oilda Wassmuth
family and relationships internet safetyWhat happens if you report someone on Snapchat?
Regarding this, can you report someone on Snapchat?
Report a Snapchat account Press and hold on that Snapchatter's name, tap , andtap'Report' to let us know what's going on. Press and holdonthe Snapchatter's name, tap 'More,' andtap'Report.'
Also know, can you undo a report on Snapchat?
Snapchat will now let users delete sentmessagesbefore they're opened, as reported by 9to5Mac. Todelete asent message, simply press and hold on the media (text,audio,photo, etc.) you'd like to get rid of and apop-upwill appear asking if you'd like to delete.Just tap,and the content in question willdisappear.
Snapchat doesn't have an option toreportusers like Facebook and Twitter do. It lets youblockpeople but that's about it. You can't report a user soanytime a user is banned on Snapchat, it's at theapp'sdiscretion. A Snapchat ban targets users who violatetheterms of service and/or misuse the app.