Asked by: Rolf Bonany
science chemistry

What happens to aluminum foil in copper chloride?

When you put aluminum in copper chloride, the copper together the chloride eats away at the aluminum. There is noticeable burning smell and some faint smoke as a result of the chemical reaction. As the copper chlorides works away at the aluminum, the aluminum turning into a dark brown color.

Also question is, what happens when aluminum foil reacts with copper chloride?

Therefore when aluminum foil is put into the copper salt solution, aluminum atoms on the surface of the foil (in contact with the solution) reacts and takes the place of copper(II) ions in the solution (it now becomes aluminum chloride solution). That is why the blue solution becomes colorless.

Secondly, why does aluminum dissolve in copper chloride? Aluminum metal is always covered in a thin, but protective layer of aluminum oxide, Al2O3. The chloride ion helps to separate the aluminum from the oxygen so that the aluminum can react with the copper ions (and the water molecules).

Also, does aluminum react with copper chloride?

What is the chemical reaction of copper(II) chloride mixed with aluminum? Copper (II) ions will hydrolyze to produce an excess of hydrogen ions, making the copper (II) chloride solution slightly acidic. Aluminum metal is always covered in a thin, but protective layer of aluminum oxide, Al2O3.

What does copper chloride react with?

CuCl2 reacts with several metals to produce copper metal or copper(I) chloride with oxidation of the other metal. To convert copper(II) chloride to copper(I) derivatives, it can be convenient to reduce an aqueous solution with sulfur dioxide as the reductant: 2 CuCl2 + SO2 + 2 H2O → 2 CuCl + 2 HCl + H2SO.

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Copper and aluminum can be combined to form a copper-aluminum alloy. However, under very high temperature, copper and aluminum can form a solid solution. When this solution cools, the intermetallic compound CuAl2, or copper aluminide, can form as a precipitate.

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Copper is one of the least reactive metals. However, it does react with a solution of ferric chloride and also copper chloride. This has been known for a long time and is a common way of etching copper.

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Aluminium appears less reactive than copper. The aluminium foil appears unable to displace copper from copper(II) sulfate solution. 3. Scratches on the surface of the oxide layer allow chloride ions to react with aluminium, this effects the cohesiveness of the oxide layer.

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Copper(II) chloride is a blue-green solid. When placed in water, the crystals turn bright green with a slight blue tinge in the water above the crystals. When stirred, the crystals dissolve and form a light blue solution.

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Will aluminum rust?

Aluminum corrodes but it does not rust. Rust refers only to iron and steel corrosion. Aluminum is actually very prone to corrosion. However, aluminum corrosion is aluminum oxide, a very hard material that actually protects the aluminum from further corrosion.

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Why does copper chloride turn brown when heated?

Because of excess HCl, my copper(II) chloride hydrate is more green than blue. When it is heated gently, it turns brown and releases both water vapor and white fumes, showing that the excess HCl and the water have been released from the crystal structure.

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The only way considered safe to connect copper and aluminum is through a splice connector. Specifically, you have to connect the wires individually so they are not prone to corrosion. The effectiveness of “pigtailing” using twist-on connectors has been evaluated by CPSC staff.

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How do you dispose of copper solution?

How to Dispose of Copper Sulfate
  1. Do not dump copper sulfate into local streams, ponds or waterways.
  2. Sweep up solid crystals or dust from copper sulfate; these can be safely disposed of in the trash.
  3. Flush small quantities of dissolved copper sulfate down the drain, and use plenty of water.

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How do you make copper chloride?

Add hydrochloric acid to it until most of it is dissolved and put it out to evaporate. The rest of the copper carbonate should dissolve and the solution should be very dark green. After evaporation, beautiful copper(II) chloride crystals should be in the container.

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What happens if you touch copper chloride?

The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Copper Chloride: * Contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes with possible eye damage. * Copper Chloride can irritate the stomach causing salivation, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea.

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What color is copper chloride hydrate when heated?

Copper(II) Chloride (CuCl2)
In its anhydrous state, CuCl2 is brown in color. Anhydrous copper chloride is hygroscopic and will absorb moisture from the air to form the dihydrate. By heating the hydrated copper chloride, one can drive off the water from the CuCl2 • 2 H2O crystals to form anhydrous CuCl2.

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1. When copper(II) chloride is reacted with magnesium metal,copper metal is produced alond with magnesium chloride. a) In this reaction, copper is oxidized. b) In this reaction, magnesium metal is oxidized.

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What type of reaction is aluminum and copper sulfate?

When aluminium is added to copper sulphate, what do we observe in this reaction? In the activity series of metals aluminum is more reactive than copper. So aluminum can displace copper from it's salt sollution. CuSO4 + Al------) Al2(SO4)3 + Cu.

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Does sulfur react with copper chloride?

Properties. Copper(II) chloride is light brown when anhydrous. It reacts with sulfur dioxide to make copper(I) chloride. It dissolves in water to make a blue solution.

Griselda Yturriaga


What does aluminum chloride react with?

Aluminum chloride can burn and irritate skin, eyes, and lungs. The burns will be more severe when aluminum chloride makes contact with a moist area, such as the eyes. This is due to the fact that aluminum chloride is highly reactive in water. This causes an explosive reaction that forms hydrogen chloride gas.

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What is aluminum chloride used for?

Aluminum chloride hexahydrate is an antiperspirant that works by affecting the cells that produce sweat. Aluminum chloride hexahydrate topical (for the skin) is used to treat excessive sweating, also called hyperhidrosis.

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Why is CuCl2 blue?

When the electrons move from the t2 energy level to the e energy level, they absorb photons that has the wavelength of yellow light, so hydrated copper chloride is blue.

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Can copper chloride go down the drain?

Copper (I) chloride is insoluble in water so you can't have 6 litres of solution. For the ISA a copper (II) solution is used at a conc of 0.2M. This can go down a foul water drain (in most cases that will mean the normal lab sink).