Asked by: Rosse Chaoui
fine art opera

What happens to Eurydice in Antigone?

Creon survives at the end of the play, retaining rulership of Thebes, gaining in wisdom as he mourns the death of his wife and son. Haemon, Creon's son, commits suicide after Antigone's death. Eurydice, Creon's wife, commits suicide after hearing of the death of her son Haemon.

Also question is, how does Eurydice die in Antigone?

In Sophocles' Antigone, she kills herself after learning that her son Haemon and his betrothed, Antigone, had both committed suicide, from a messenger. She thrusts a sword into her heart and curses Creon for the death of her two sons: Haemon and Megareus.

Likewise, what is the purpose of Eurydice? Eurydice serves as a reminder to Creon that his actions were the catalyst for his niece's, his son's and her own unnecessary deaths. In the moment of her suicide, the messenger hears Eurydice cry out for their eldest son that was killed in the battle with Polyneices and Eteocles, blaming Creon for his death.

Keeping this in view, what does Eurydice do at the end of the play?

Eurydice is the wife of Creon and the mother of Haemon, Antigone's fiance. She appears only briefly, near the end of the play. She has a short dialogue with a messenger and demands to hear a full and truthful account of what happened when Creon relented and decided to release Antigone.

Does Creon kill himself in Antigone?

No, Creon does not kill himself in Antigone. His wife, son, and niece all commit suicide during the course of the play, but Creon refrains from taking

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