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Asked by: Clair Yukhtman
music and audio tv and film podcastsWhat happens to your messages when you block someone on Facebook?
Similarly, when you block someone on Facebook does it delete the messages?
If you block someone on Facebook or messenger,you both will not be able to each others activitiesand also not be able to send messages. Old conversationwill be still in inbox but name of that person willnot be clickable. See the Help Center to understandblocking: Start a conversation with you.
Also know, can a blocked person still be able to see past conversations?
Although they can't message your after youblock them, you'll still be able to see pastconversations unless you delete them.
If You Block Someone, Does ItRemove the Conversation Blocking someone will not deletethe conversation thread from any side. In other words, theold conversations will remain in Messenger, and youwill be able to read them until you manually deletethe chat thread.