Asked by: Mohammadine Oval
medical health hormonal disorders

What hormone causes abnormally small stature?

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD), also known as dwarfism or pituitary dwarfism, is a condition caused by insufficient amounts of growth hormone in the body. Children with GHD have abnormally short stature with normal body proportions.

Also asked, what hormone causes abnormal hairiness and masculinization?

Male sex hormones are also known as androgens. Overproduction of androgens can cause virilization. Both males and females produce androgens. In males, androgens are produced primarily by the adrenal glands and the testicles.

One may also ask, what hormone causes demineralization of bones spontaneous fractures? The parathyroid glands produce parathyroid hormone, which controls blood calcium levels.

Likewise, what hormone would be lacking in the event of excessive thirst and high blood glucose levels?

Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the body does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, resulting in high levels of sugar in the bloodstream.

What hormone secretion abnormality causes tetany?

Parathyroid glands parathyroid hormone (PTH) or parathormone to raise blood calcium level and lower blood phosphate level. [Hyposecretion causes tetany, and hypersecretion causes osteitis fibrosa cystica].

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While the pituitary gland is known as the master endocrine gland, both of its lobes are under the control of the hypothalamus: the anterior pituitary receives its signals from the parvocellular neurons, and the posterior pituitary receives its signals from the magnocellular neurons.

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Early signs include:
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  • Headaches.
  • Trouble concentrating.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Frequent peeing.
  • Fatigue (weak, tired feeling)
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People with diabetes insipidus produce excessive amounts of urine, resulting in frequent urination and thirst. However, the underlying cause of these two symptoms differs from types 1 and 2 diabetes. The disease takes two main forms: Mephrogenic diabetes insipidus and central or neurogenic diabetes insipidus.

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In people without diabetes, hypoglycemia can result from the body producing too much insulin after a meal, causing blood sugar levels to drop. This is called reactive hypoglycemia. Reactive hypoglycemia can be an early sign of diabetes.

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The hormones estrogen and progesterone affect how your cells respond to insulin. After menopause, changes in your hormone levels can trigger fluctuations in your blood sugar level. If your blood sugar gets out of control, you have a higher risk of diabetes complications. Weight gain.

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Is diabetes an endocrine disorder?

Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder diagnosed in the U.S. Other endocrine disorders include: Adrenal insufficiency. The adrenal gland releases too little of the hormone cortisol and sometimes, aldosterone.

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What is a hyperglycemic attack?

Hyperglycemia is a defining characteristic of diabetes—when the blood glucose level is too high because the body isn't properly using or doesn't make the hormone insulin. Eating too many processed foods may cause your blood sugar to rise. You get glucose from the foods you eat.

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Diabetes occurs when the pancreas, a gland behind the stomach, does not produce enough of the hormone insulin, or the body can't use insulin properly. Insulin helps carry sugar from the bloodstream into the cells. Once inside the cells, sugar is converted into energy for immediate use or stored for the future.

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Can osteoporosis be reversed?

A decrease in bone density is a natural part of aging, but healthy living can slow down and even reverse bone loss. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, one in two women and up to one in four men will break a bone in their lifetime due to osteoporosis.

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People with osteoporosis often have muscle weakness and increased spine kyphosis leading to vertebral fractures and poor balance control, or even falls.

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Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is the most common form of secondary osteoporosis. Although endogenous hypercortisolism or Cushing's syndrome can be associated with bone loss, most of the patients suffering from GIO receive glucocorticoids for the treatment of a variety of diseases.

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What causes brittle bones in elderly?

In general, white, older women are the most likely to have bone loss. Brittle, fragile bones can be caused by anything that makes your body destroy too much bone, or keeps your body from making enough bone. Weak bones can break easily, even without an obvious injury.

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What Causes Brittle Bone Disease? Brittle bone disease is caused by a defect, or flaw, in the gene that produces type 1 collagen, a protein used to create bone. The defective gene is usually inherited. In some cases, however, a genetic mutation, or change, can cause it.

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In the case of periodontitis, the bacteria gradually eats away at the underlying jawbone and at the periodontal ligaments that connect the tooth to the bone. The most common cause of bone loss is tooth loss left unreplaced, especially multiple teeth. Jawbone is preserved through the pressure and stimulus of chewing.