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Hereof, how do I know what size sump pump I need?
How to calculate the sump pump capacity you need
- A sump pit receives 20" of water in 1 minute, or approximately 20 gallons.
- Multiply: 20 gallons x 60 minutes x 1.5 = 1800 Gallons per Hour (GPH) capacity needed.
Hereof, how high can a sump pump lift water?
Then, you have to measure the needed lift – how high has the pump deliver the water from the bottom of the sump pit. A pump can remove much more water at a 5-ft "head pressure" (lift) than if has to pump 10 feet high.
Submersible – A submersible type sump pump is installed in a sump pit and is designed to function underwater. Submersible pumps are usually more expensive, but have a longer lifespan than pedestal sump pumps. A submersible sump pump is also quieter and is hidden inside the sump basin, providing a cleaner appearance.