Asked by: Preben Sarriugarte
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What information is included in a dictionary entry?

A dictionary, sometimes known as a wordbook, is acollection of words in one or more specific languages, oftenarranged alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographiclanguages), which may include information on definitions,usage, etymologies, pronunciations, translation, etc. or a book ofwords in one

Herein, what is included in a dictionary entry?

A boldface letter or a combination of such letters,including punctuation marks and diacritics where needed, that isset flush with the left-hand margin of each column of type is amain entry or entry word.

Similarly, what do you use a dictionary for? Reasons for using a dictionary A dictionary is a very important tool for anyonewho is learning a new language. With a good dictionary youcan do the following: look up the meaning of an English wordyou see or hear. find the English translation of a word inyour language. check the spelling of a word.

Beside above, what is the main entry in a dictionary?

n the form of a word that heads a lexical entryand is alphabetized in a dictionary. Synonyms: citationform, entry word Type of: descriptor, form, signifier, wordform. the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of aword that can be used to describe or identifysomething.

What are the parts of dictionary and its meaning?

noun. a portion or division of a whole that is separateor distinct; piece, fragment, fraction, or section; constituent:the rear part of the house; to glue the two parts essential or integral attribute or quality: a sense of humor ispart of a healthy personality.

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What is listed first in a dictionary entry?

It depends on the dictionary. Some, perhaps most,place the most common use of the word first. The OxfordEnglish Dictionary, 'the definitive record of the Englishlanguage', places its definitions in the order in which each wordis first used. That is to say, the earliest known meaningsare given first.

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The Old English form of book is bōc, fromGermanic *bōk-ō, "written document, book." TheLatin word for book is liber, whencelibrary.

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What part of speech is the entry word?

Part of speech: All words in a dictionarybelong to a different part of speech. Some examples of apart of speech are 'noun', 'verb', 'adjective', 'propernoun', 'preposition', 'article', etc. It is a level twoheading.

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What kind of person do you think writes a dictionary?

Ever wonder who writes dictionaries? They'recalled lexicographers. A lexicographer studies words and compilesthe results into a dictionary.

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What is the root word in democratically?

The root word for Democratically isDemocratic. 1.0.

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Another word for main. adjective. Mostimportant, influential, or significant: capital, cardinal, chief,first, foremost, key, leading, major, number one, paramount,premier, primary, prime, principal, top. Seeimportant.

Elia Bakitski


What are run on entries?

Run-on Entries. At the end of many entriesare additional boldface words and sometimes boldface phrasesintroduced with a dash. These phrases are generally entered underthe first major element (for example, a noun or verb or sometimesan adjective or adverb, rather than a preposition orarticle).

Maikol Schimek


What are guide and entry words?

guide word. one or two words printed atthe top of the page in a reference book to help the reader find theright page. In this dictionary, the guide words at the topof each page show what the first and last entries on thatpage are.

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What is the name for the last word on a dictionary page?

Also called headword, guide word. aword printed at the top of a page in adictionary or other reference book to indicate the first orlast entry or article on that page.Compare runninghead.

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How many parts does a dictionary have?

Levels of structure. A dictionary is structuredat three levels below the level of the dictionary as awhole: The dictionary as a whole has a framingstructure which comprises a set of main sections thatcorrespond to the chapters of a book. A subset of thesesections – mostly only one – comprises an entrylist.

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What do you mean by thesaurus?

In general usage, a thesaurus is a reference workthat lists words grouped together according to similarity ofmeaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms),in contrast to a dictionary, which provides definitions for words,and generally lists them in alphabetical order.

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What is entry in library science?

The other access points are called added entries.The record that bears the main entry represents a completecatalog record of the item and is presented in the form by whichthe item is to be uniformly identified and cited. In recent year,the concept of main entry has been challenged.

Edite Ladbeck


What is library entry?

the principal entry of an item in a referencetext, often placed in alphabetical order. Library Science.the principal, complete entry of an item in a catalog orbibliography, giving full information on the item, often includingits location, and the form by which the item is to be consistentlyidentified and cited.

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What do the abbreviations after a word in the dictionary tell you about the word?

Verified by Expert
The abreviation after a word in a dictionarytell you what part of speech the defined word is. Thedefined word can be a noun (n), pronoun (pron), adjective(adj), adverb (adv), verb (vb), conjunction (conj), preposition(prep), or interjection (interj).

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What words should you not start a sentence with?

The mnemonic 'FANBOYS' (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)is a useful way to remember the coordinating conjunctions. But it'snot a guide to words that don't belong at thebeginning of a sentence. Many people content themselves withthe trusted maxim "do not begin sentences with and orbut."

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advantage. An advantage is like a headstart in a race; it's that thing that gives you a better chance.The noun advantage also refers to a reward or benefitof some action or event. Being sick with the flu had theadvantage of kick-starting your diet because you didn't feellike eating much.