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So, 0.0125 is equivalent to 1.25% inpercent form.
Just so, what is 0.0125 as a fraction?
Decimal | Fraction | Percentage |
0.025 | 2/80 | 2.5% |
0.0125 | 1/80 | 1.25% |
0.01299 | 1/77 | 1.299% |
0.01282 | 1/78 | 1.282% |
Percent | Decimal | Fraction |
1% | 0.01 | 1/100 |
5% | 0.05 | 1/20 |
10% | 0.1 | 1/10 |
12½% | 0.125 | 1/8 |
In this manner, how do you write the decimal 0.0125 as a percent?
- The decimal places represent tenths, hundredths, thousandthsetc. as 110,1100,11000 and so on.
- 0.125=1251000=12.5100=12.5%
- 0.85=85% but take care . 085=8.5%
- 2.45=245%and1.4=140%
- 0.6=60%and0.06=6%and0.006=0.6%
- 0.. 3=0.3333333= 3313% 6=0.66666= 6623% 0.1. 6=0.1666= 1623%0.8. 3=0.8333= 8313%
Decimal | Fraction | Percentage |
0.25 | 4/16 | 25% |
0.1875 | 3/16 | 18.75% |
0.125 | 2/16 | 12.5% |
0.0625 | 1/16 | 6.25% |