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A Rondeau is a French form, 15 lineslong,consisting of three stanzas: a quintet, a quatrain, and asestetwith a rhyme scheme as follows: aabba aabR aabbaR.Lines 9and 15 are short - a refrain (R) consisting ofa phrasetaken from line one. The other lines arelonger (butall of the same metrical length).
Similarly, what is a line in a poem?
A line is a unit of language into whichapoem or play is divided, which operates on principleswhichare distinct from and not necessarily coincident withgrammaticalstructures, such as the sentence or single clauses insentences. Adistinct numbered group of lines in verse isnormally calleda stanza.
One may also ask, what is a Rondeau poem?
A Rondeau is a short poem consistingoffifteen lines that have two rhymes throughout. The first fewwordsor phrase from the first line are repeated twice in thepoemas a refrain.
a poem in17lines.