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A Cable strike is simply when an underground cable is hit. This can happen when carrying out work with a digger or a spade. When a cable strike takes place there is a very real danger of getting electrocuted.
Moreover, what is the most accurate way to locate buried services?
- Planning the work. Most service cables belong to a Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
- Using cable plans. Plans or other suitable information about all buried services in the area should be obtained and reviewed before any excavation work starts.
- Cable locating devices.
- Safe digging practices.
Beside above, what is hsg47?
HSG47 is the Health & Safety Executive's issued guidance aimed at all those involved in commissioning, planning, managing and carrying out work on or near underground services.
The National Electrical Code (NEC) states specific requirements for cables to be buried underground. The NEC specifies 24 in. as the minimum burial depth for 0V to 600V nominal applications. But they almost never bury it that deep.