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Asked by: Eliseo Bachaev
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsWhat is a Capicu in dominoes?
Also, do Puerto Ricans play dominoes?
Dominoes in Puerto Rico. Dominoesis a quintessential game played throughout the Caribbean.Each island has it's own rules and traditions. “ElDomino” is for Puerto Ricans not simply a gameof strategy or just a pastime, but also an activity around whichcommunity relationships are built and sustained.
Correspondingly, why is the domino game popular in Puerto Rico?
Dominoes In Comunity Life The Domino Outreach Model takes its name inhonor of Puerto Rico's favorite past time: Dominoes."El Domino" is for Puerto Ricans and many Latinos,not simply a game of strategy or just a pastime, but also itis an activity around which community relationships are built andsustained.