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A code word is a word or a phrasedesigned to convey a predetermined meaning to an audience who knowthe phrase, while remaining inconspicuous to theuninitiated.
Simply so, what is code example?
Code, which can be short for source code,is a term used to describe text that is written using the protocolof a particular language by a computer programmer. Examplesinclude C, Java, Perl, and PHP.
Likewise, what are coded words?
In communication, a code word is an element of astandardized code or protocol. Each code word isassembled in accordance with the specific rules of the codeand assigned a unique meaning. Code words are typically usedfor reasons of reliability, clarity, brevity, orsecrecy.
Words Related to secret
- silent, unadvertised, unannounced, undisclosed, unmentioned,unsaid, untold.
- clandestine, closet, collusive, conspiratorial, covert.
- furtive, hugger-mugger, occult, sneak, sneaking, sneaky,stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand,underhanded.