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Correspondingly, can a country be inside another country?
Three nations qualify as completely surrounded byanother country's land and/or internal waters: The Republicof San Marino, enclaved within Italy. Vatican City, enclavedwithin the city of Rome, Italy. The Kingdom of Lesotho,enclaved within South Africa.
Also to know, what 3 countries are located within another country?
Share. In geography, an enclave is acountry that is fully enclosed by another country.There are three enclaved countries; Lesotho, VaticanCity, and San Marino because they are fully surrounded by SouthAfrica, the Italian city of Rome, and Italyrespectively.
A country is defined as a nation, the people ofthe nation or land in a rural area. An example of acountry is the United States. An example of thecountry is farmlands in Iowa.