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A closing protection letter (sometimes “insured closing letter” or “CPL”) forms a contract between a title insurance underwriter and a lender, in which the underwriter agrees to indemnify the lender for actual losses caused by certain kinds of misconduct by the closing agent.
Regarding this, wHAT DOES Cpl mean in real estate?
A closing protection letter (sometimes “insured closing letter” or “CPL”) forms a contract between a title insurance underwriter and a lender, in which the underwriter agrees to indemnify the lender for actual losses caused by certain kinds of misconduct by the closing agent.
Thereof, what is Title Cpl fee?
The fees are identical for each underwriter. The Closing Protection Letter fee is $25 for each party protected. More specifically, $25 for a Lender CPL when there is a mortgage in either purchase or refinance transactions. $25 for a Buyer CPL in all purchase transactions.
1 year