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Asked by: Larysa Danhardt
medical health mental healthWhat is a disadvantage of being a high self monitor?
People also ask, what does it mean to be a high self monitor?
High self-monitors are people who more readily modify the way they present themselves in a social setting in response to social cues. They'll stick to their beliefs and feelings regardless of what social cues are being given off around them.
Accordingly, what is an example of self monitoring?
For example, a therapist may assign a client self-monitoring as homework to encourage better. 2. a personality trait reflecting an ability to modify one's behavior in response to situational pressures, opportunities, and norms.
They are especially attuned to role expectations and tend to pay close attention to the behaviors of others. This means that high-self-monitors are social chameleons. They make better managers and leaders than low self-monitors. This is because they can change their leadership style to accommodate different needs.