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Consequently, how long before electricity gets shut off?
top. Generally, the utility has to follow these stepstoturn off your service: They must send you a letter 10daysbefore they turn your service off AND. They mustmake2 attempts to call OR visit your house 24 hours beforetheyturn your utilities off.
Furthermore, can the electric company shut me off if I have a child?
a. Electric, gas, and private watercompaniescannot shut off your service if you,yourchild, or someone else in your household is seriouslyill andyou cannot afford to pay your bills because offinancialhardship.
A standard energisation occurs when thecompletedWINenergy 'Get Connected' online form is received by 2pmon abusiness day for energisation on the following businessday,or a subsequent nominated date. The standardEnergisationFee of $35 Ex GST* will appear on your firstbill fromWINenergy.