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Herein, what is a dividend and how does it work?
Stock dividends work similarly tocashdividends in that each shareholder gets a certain numberofadditional shares based on the number of shares already held.Let'ssay you own 500 shares of a company and that company decidestoissue a stock dividend of 5%. In that cash, you'd receive25extra shares of stock.
Considering this, what dividend means?
A dividend is a payment made by a corporationtoits shareholders, usually as a distribution of profits. Whenacorporation earns a profit or surplus, the corporation is abletore-invest the profit in the business (called retained earnings)andpay a proportion of the profit as a dividendtoshareholders.
Generally, any dividend that is paid out fromacommon or preferred stock is an ordinary dividendunlessotherwise stated. Qualified dividends are dividendsthatmeet the requirements to be taxed as capital gains.Undercurrent law, qualified dividends are taxed at a20%,15%, or 0% rate, depending on your taxbracket.