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Considering this, do fish have mouths?
In general, there are three ways fish mouths areoriented. Most bony fishes that feed at or near the surfacehave a slightly upturned mouth, a trait known as anundershot or superior mouth. These fishes often feedon insects or other prey items that reside on or near thesurface.
- Caudal fin. The fish primarily uses its caudal fins to achievea quick speed.
- Anal fin. The marlin has two dorsal fins and two analfins.
- Pelvic fin. The fish also has red tail, dorsal, and pelvicfins.
- Pectoral fin.
- Gill.
- Gill cover.
- Mouth.
- Eye.
Secondly, what is a Subterminal mouth?
subterminal mouth. (english) Mouthposterior to the tip of the snout. Sometimes also referred to asinferior mouth.
Mouth. The mouth serves for taking infood; also for the breathing current of water. Some fishhave a wide gape, and filter microscopic plants and animals out ofthe surface waters as they swim along, trapping them in gill rakersbefore the water is expelled from the operculum.