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Asked by: Bingbing Bukowski
hobbies and interests birdwatchingWhat is a good nature for articuno?
Timid is the preferred nature as it allowsArticuno to outspeed threats such as Adamant Kangaskhan,Adamant Sawk, and Jolly/Timid Drifblim.
Hereof, what is the best Moveset for articuno?
The best moves for Articuno are Frost Breath andIce Beam when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This movecombination has the highest total DPS and is also thebest moveset for PVP battles.
Correspondingly, can articuno learn dragon tail?
ARTICUNO is a legendary bird POKéMON thatcan control ice. One of the legendary bird POKéMON.With its long tail trailing behind, its flying form ismagnificent.
Articuno. Articuno is located on SeafoamIslands in the southeast. You can get there by using SeaSkim from either below Fushsia City or on the right edge ofCinnabar Island. Or you can fly there on the back of aflying Pokémon.