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Thereof, what word can I use instead of handsome?
good-looking, attractive, dapper,spruce,clean-cut, virile, well-built, athletic, personable,strong,muscular, smooth*, sharp*, sexy*, easy on the eyes*, tall,dark andhandsome*, cute*, hunky*; see also sense 1; manly.full,ample, considerable; see extensive 1, large 1.
Also question is, what does it mean to be called handsome?
· est. having an attractive,well-proportioned,and imposing appearance suggestive of health andstrength;good-looking: a handsome man; a handsomewoman.having pleasing proportions, relationships, or arrangements,as ofshapes, forms, or colors; attractive: a handsome house;ahandsome interior.
Definition of Adonis. 1 : a youth lovedbyAphrodite who is killed at hunting by a wild boar and restoredtoAphrodite from Hades for a part of each year. 2 : a veryhandsomeyoung man.