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It's natural for anyone trying to lose weighttowant to lose it very quickly. But evidence shows thatpeoplewho lose weight gradually and steadily (about 1 to 2poundsper week) are more successful at keeping weightoff.Healthy weight loss isn't just about a“diet” or“program”.
Likewise, people ask, what is a good rate to lose weight at?
A weight loss of one to two pounds a week isthetypical recommendation. Although that may seem like a slow paceforweight loss, it's more likely to help you maintainyourweight loss for the long term.
Similarly, what is the healthiest way to lose weight?
Here are 10 more tips to lose weight even faster:
- Eat a high-protein breakfast.
- Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice.
- Drink water a half hour before meals.
- Choose weight loss-friendly foods (see list).
- Eat soluble fiber.
- Drink coffee or tea.
- Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods.
- Eat your food slowly.
At one to two pounds per week, losing 25poundswill take you a little more than 12 weeks, or threemonths.To lose weight in a healthy manner, youshouldcut 500 to 1,000 calories a day by eating less andexercisingmore.