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Furthermore, what is Velocitation?
Velocitation is a phenomenon caused by drivingforlong periods at high speeds. A driver mayexperiencevelocitation when coming off of the highway; thechange inspeed makes him or her think that the car is going muchslower thanit actually is.
Thereof, what are passing places?
This means that traffic can go both ways on the road,butat most points, the road will only be wide enough for onevehicle.To allow vehicles to safely pass each other, theseroads haveclearly marked passing places. A single trackroad may alsobe known as a country road, country route, or asingle laneroad.
A shoulder, or hard shoulder isanemergency stopping lane by the verge of a road ormotorway,on the right in countries which drive on the right, or onthe leftside in India, Japan, the UK, Australia, and otherleft-sidedriving countries.