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Beside this, what is a hub in computing?
1. When referring to a network, a hub is the mostbasic networking device that connects multiplecomputers or other network devices together. Unlike anetwork switch or router, a network hub has no routingtables or intelligence on where to send information and broadcastsall network data across each connection.
Just so, what is the difference between a router and a hub?
Summary. Hubs are “dumb” devices thatpass on anything received on one connection to all otherconnections. Switches are semi-intelligent devices that learn whichdevices are on which connection. Routers are essentiallysmall computers that perform a variety of intelligenttasks.
Hubs are layer 1 devices,Hubs arejust splitters. Hubs unlike switches do not have anyintelligence and do not process packets in any way. They just sendall the data received on the hub out to all the other activeports on the hub with the exception of the incomingport.