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Accordingly, what is pkg file in Mac?
PKG files are Mac OS X installation(setup)packages that contain installer scripts('Scripts'file) and compressed installation files('Payload'file) that are used to install Macsoftwareapplications onto a user's hard drive.
Hereof, does PKG file work on Mac?
.PKG File Association 3 A PKG file is a package ofcompressedinstaller files used to install a softwareprogram. Itis commonly used for installing software inMac OS Xand may be installed individually or referenced byan installerscript included with the software.
.pkg (package) files are used to installsoftwareand other files onto a certain device, operating system,orfilesystem, such as the macOS, iOS, PlayStation Vita,PlayStation3, and PlayStation 4. Solaris is a derivative of theAT&T UNIXOS, and the .pkg extension was also used onAT&T UNIXSystem V OS.