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Also know, what is the difference between melody and chords?
A melody is made up of single notes that make upa phrase. The melody is the main theme and point of thesong. Think of songs that have words or lyrics, the lyrics areusually the melody. Chords make up harmony becausethey are 3 or more notes played at the same time with acertain interval or spacing.
Herein, what is a song's melody?
Melody: Definition Melody can be defined as a memorable series ofpitches. In a non-formal setting, we can just say it's the tune ofthe song. If you think of the song 'Mary Had A LittleLamb,' you are probably thinking of the melody and not theaccompanying harmonic notes that could go along withit.
The CAGED system is a very important concept thatapplies equally to both rhythm guitar and lead guitar. It doesn'tmatter what style of music you play, or if you play acoustic guitaror electric guitar, this method of fretboard navigation isessential for all guitar players.