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Likewise, people ask, what is a modified swallow test?
A modified barium (BARE-ee-um) swallow, or cookie swallow, is an X-ray test that takes pictures of your child's mouth and throat while he or she swallows various foods and liquids. A modified barium swallow shows doctors if food or liquids are entering your child's trachea (TRAKE-ee-uh) or windpipe during swallowing.
Keeping this in consideration, how do they do a modified barium swallow?
In modified barium swallow, you ingest foods and liquids containing barium sulfate, a contrast dye that sharply outlines your mouth, throat, and esophagus on x-ray film.
Sometimes this test is done as part of a series of X-rays that includes the stomach and part of the intestine. This is called an upper GI (gastrointestinal) series. Used alone, a barium swallow can't diagnose cancer. But it can show abnormal areas that might need to be biopsied.