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Consequently, what does prose fiction mean?
Prose is a form of language that has noformalmetrical structure. It applies a natural flow of speech,andordinary grammatical structure, rather than rhythmicstructure,such as in the case of traditional poetry. Some works ofprosedo have versification, and a blend of the two formatsthat iscalled “prose poetry.”
Furthermore, what are the types of prose fiction?
There are four types of prose in literature,
- Fictional Prose (Includes novels, novellas, short stories)
- Non-fictional Prose (Includes biographies,essays,journals)
- Heroic Prose (Includes legends, tales)
- Poetry Prose ( poetry written in prose instead of usingversebut maintaining poetic qualities)
A fiction is a deliberately fabricated accountofsomething. It can also be a literary work basedonimagination rather than on fact, like a novel or short story.TheLatin word fictus means “to form,” which seems likeagood source for the English word fiction,sincefiction is formed in the imagination.