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Likewise, people ask, does a fish have a jaw?
Cartilaginous fishes, such as sharks and rays,have one set of oral jaws made mainly of cartilage.They do not have pharyngeal jaws. Generallyjaws are articulated and oppose vertically, comprising anupper jaw and a lower jaw and can bearnumerous ordered teeth.
Similarly, what is a Subterminal mouth?
subterminal mouth. (english) Mouthposterior to the tip of the snout. Sometimes also referred to asinferior mouth.
Sharks have a skeleton that is made out ofcartilage and connective tissue, making them different from bonyfish and land vertebrates. Cartilage is found in our ears and nose.It is flexible, durable, and has about half the density ofbone. Shark teeth are attached to the jaw bysoft tissue and are easily lost.