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Also to know is, what does a sea star do?
Although sea stars live underwater and arecommonly called "starfish," they are not true fish. They donot have gills, scales, or fins like fish do. Seastars also move quite differently from fish. While fish propelthemselves with their tails, sea stars have tiny tube feetto help them move along.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do starfish survive in their habitat?
Instead of blood, starfish have a seawatervascular system that circulates nutrients and powers theirtube feet, allowing them to move about their environment.Starfish produce and expel huge amounts of eggs and sperminto the water giving them a better chance ofsurvival.
Reproduction. Both male and female sea stars holdtheir sperm and eggs in pouches at the base of their arms. Theyreproduce by free spawning, that means ideally the male and femalerelease their eggs and sperm at the same time. The egg and spermfloat until they meet up and the sperm is able to fertilize theegg.