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Furthermore, is sorbet considered a course?
Sorbet, essentially a fruited ice, is served toclear the palate at anytime during a meal. As the maincourse is the heaviest course, sorbet isusually presented before, during, or after the maincourse.
People also ask, is Intermezzo considered a course?
Just as an intermezzo in an opera was intended toprovide comic relief between scenes, an intermezzo in a mealis meant to be brief and refreshing, to cleanse the palate betweencourses. Intermezzi are most often a fruit, wine, or liqueursorbet, sparkling wine, or fresh fruit.
A seven-course meal is a mealduring which select foods are offered to guests in a specificorder. The Italian and French 7 course meals are quitesimilar, beginning with finger foods, a soup, perhaps a salad, thenthe main course, followed up by a lighter offering, then adessert, and finally an after-dinner drink.