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Just so, what qualifies as a village?
A village is a clustered human settlementorcommunity, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town, withapopulation ranging from a few hundred to a fewthousand.Villages are normally permanent, with fixeddwellings;however, transient villages canoccur.
Similarly, it is asked, is a village a municipality?
In the United States, "municipality" isusuallyunderstood as a city, town, village, or otherlocalgovernment unit, formed by municipal charter from thestateas a municipal corporation.
The President and Trustees are electedtofour-year terms. The Village President is thepresidingofficer of Village Board meetings. ThePresident isalso the chief executive officer of theVillage. TheVillage Board is the governing body ofthe Villageand exercises all powers entrusted to it underIllinoisstatutes.