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Keeping this in consideration, what causes aliasing?
Aliasing occurs whenever the use ofdiscreteelements to capture or produce a continuous signalcausesfrequency ambiguity. Spatial aliasing,particular of angularfrequency, can occur when reproducing a lightfield or sound fieldwith discrete elements, as in 3D displays orwave field synthesisof sound.
Also to know is, what do you mean by aliasing effect?
Aliasing refers to the effect producedwhena signal is imperfectly reconstructed from the originalsignal.Aliasing occurs when a signal is not sampled at ahigh enoughfrequency to create an accurate representation. In thisexample, thedots represent the sampled data and the curverepresents theoriginal signal.
Aliasing is the visual stair-stepping ofedgesthat occurs in an image when the resolution is toolow.Anti-aliasing is the smoothing of jagged edges indigitalimages by averaging the colors of the pixels ataboundary.