Asked by: Maila Leizarenko
technology and computing databases

What is all and any in SQL?

ALL & ANY are logical operators inSQL. They return boolean value as a result.ALL operator is used to select all tuples of SELECTSTATEMENT. It is also used to compare a value toevery value in another value set or result from asubquery.

Herein, what is difference between any and all in SQL?

SQL> -- Use the IN operator in a WHEREclause to compare a value with any of the valuesin a list. IN->Equal to Any One in theList. ANY->Compares Value to Each Value Returned by theSub Query. ALL->Compares Value To Every ValueReturned by the Sub Query.

Similarly, what is the use of any keyword in SQL? SQL WHERE ANY, ALLClause ANY and ALL keywords are used witha WHERE or HAVING clause. ANY and ALL operate onsubqueries that return multiple values. ANY returns true ifany of the subquery values meet the condition. ALLreturns true if all of the subquery values meet thecondition.

Also Know, when to use any and all in SQL?

ALL is used to select all records of aSELECT STATEMENT. It compares a value to every value in alist or results from a query. The ALL must be preceded bythe comparison operators and evaluates to TRUE if the query returnsno rows. For example, ALL means greater than everyvalue, means greater than the maximum value.

What does count (*) do in SQL?

The COUNT(*) function returns the number of rowsin a table including the rows that contain the NULLvalues.

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Important Rule: A subquery can be placed in anumber of SQL clauses like WHERE clause, FROM clause, HAVINGclause. You can use Subquery with SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT,DELETE statements along with the operators like =, <, >,>=, <=, IN, BETWEEN, etc.

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SQL Some Operator. In sql, the SOMEoperator is used to compare a value with single column set ofvalues returned by subquery. Generally we will use this SOMEoperator in WHERE clause to check whether the required columnvalues are matching with the set of values returned by subquery ornot.

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What is a subquery in SQL?

A Subquery or Inner query or a Nested query is aquery within another SQL query and embedded within the WHEREclause. A subquery is used to return data that will be usedin the main query as a condition to further restrict the data to beretrieved. A subquery cannot be immediately enclosed in aset function.

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Multiple row subquery returns one or morerows to the outer SQL statement. You may use the IN,ANY, or ALL operator in outer query to handle a subquerythat returns multiple rows. Contents: Using IN operator witha Multiple Row Subquery.

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The simplest Join is INNER JOIN.
  1. INNER JOIN: The INNER JOIN keyword selects all rows from boththe tables as long as the condition satisfies.
  2. LEFT JOIN: This join returns all the rows of the table on theleft side of the join and matching rows for the table on the rightside of join.

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Where can subqueries be used?

SQL Subqueries
  • A subquery may occur in :
  • The subquery can be nested inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, orDELETE statement or inside another subquery.
  • A subquery is usually added within the WHERE Clause of anotherSQL SELECT statement.
  • You can use the comparison operators, such as >, <, or=.

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SQL | GROUP BY. The GROUP BYStatement in SQL is used to arrange identical data intogroups with the help of some functions. i.e if a particularcolumn has same values in different rows then it will arrange theserows in a group. GROUP BY clause is used with theSELECT statement.

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What does an except query return?

The EXCEPT operator is used to exclude like rowsthat are found in one query but not another. Itreturns rows that are unique to one result. To usethe EXCEPT operator, both queries must returnthe same number of columns and those columns must be of compatibledata types.

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A NATURAL JOIN is a JOIN operation thatcreates an implicit join clause for you based on the commoncolumns in the two tables being joined. Common columns arecolumns that have the same name in both tables. A NATURALJOIN can be an INNER join, a LEFT OUTER join, ora RIGHT OUTER join.

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Is greater than in SQL?

Compares two expressions for greater than orequal (a comparison operator). When you compare nonnullexpressions, the result is TRUE if the left operand has agreater or equal value than the right operand;otherwise, the result is FALSE.

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What does all do in Python?

The all() function returns True if allitems in an iterable are true, otherwise it returns False.If the iterable object is empty, the all() functionalso returns True.

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Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve a maximum value?

Explanation: COUNT(*) takes null value row in toconsideration. 2. Which SQL keyword is used to retrieve amaximum value ? Explanation: The MAX() function returnsthe largest value of the selected column.

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How does in clause work in SQL?

Summary. The SQL WHERE clause is used torestrict the number of rows affected by a SELECT, UPDATE or DELETEquery. The WHERE clause can be used in conjunction withlogical operators such as AND and OR, comparison operators such as,= etc. When used with the AND logical operator, all the criteriamust be met.

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How do you use exists in SQL?

The SQL EXISTS condition is used in combinationwith a subquery and is considered to be met, if the subqueryreturns at least one row. It can be used in a SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

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What are aggregate functions in SQL?

An aggregate function performs a calculation on aset of values, and returns a single value. Except for COUNT ,aggregate functions ignore null values. Aggregatefunctions are often used with the GROUP BY clause of the SELECTstatement. All aggregate functions aredeterministic.

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Where not exists in SQL?

The SQL NOT EXISTS Operator will act quiteopposite to EXISTS Operator. It is used to restrict thenumber of rows returned by the SELECT Statement. The NOT EXISTSin SQL Server will check the Subquery for rows existence, andif there are no rows then it will return TRUE, otherwiseFALSE.

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What does any and all mean?

Here we see the intended difference: "any andall" means any single liability, even without allthe other liabilities, in addition to all of them at once.In the second case, "all" means all of them at once(not any one of them singly).

Boutros Paderin


What is any operator in SQL?

ALL & ANY are logical operators inSQL. They return boolean value as a result. ALL. ALLoperator is used to select all tuples of SELECT STATEMENT.It is also used to compare a value to every value in another valueset or result from a subquery.

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Is not equal to in SQL?

SQL Not Equal (<>) Operator
In sql, not equal operator is used tocheck whether two expressions equal or not. If it'snot equal then condition will be true and it will returnnot matched records. Both != and <> operators arenot equal operators and will return same result but !=operator is not a ISO standard.