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Similarly, you may ask, what are the symptoms of a bad alternator?
Bad alternator symptoms:
- Dim lights. The failing alternator symptom most driversrecognize is dim or flickering lights.
- Service engine light. Another obvious sign is the one yourvehicle tries to tell you.
- Odd noises.
- Electrical issues.
- Engine stalling.
- Dead battery.
Hereof, what does a bad alternator sound like?
If you're hearing a grinding sound in your car,this could indicate that the alternator is going bad.The grinding sound may be caused by a worn-out bearing. Yourcar can also make a whining sound when the voltage regulatoris sending signals to the alternator to charge more than isnecessary.
If the problem is a bad alternator, your car willslowly lose power. You'll be driving down the road, yourlights will dim, and you'll lose power and die. Once thealternator stops working, so do all of the electricalsystems required to keep a car going. Other problems can also causea car to not start.