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In this manner, how does Amazon Lightsail work?
Lightsail plans are charged on anhourly,on-demand basis, so you only pay for a plan when you'reusing it. ALightsail instance is a virtual privateserver (VPS)that lives in the AWS Cloud. Your instancescanconnect to each other and to other AWS resourcesthroughboth public (Internet) and private (VPC)networking.
Thereof, what is AWS Lightsail?
Amazon Lightsail is an Amazon cloudservicethat offers bundles of cloud compute power and memory fornew orless experienced cloud users. Amazon Lightsaillaunchesvirtual private servers, which are VMs with individualoperatingsystems but restricted access to physicalserverresources.
AWS LightSail is a platform as aservice(PaaS) mainly targeted for web hosting with VirtualPrivateServers (VPS) for lower cost. This includes differentservices forSoftware as a Service(SaaS), Platform asaService(PaaS) as well as Infrastructure asaService(IaaS).