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A file with the ASE file extension isanAdobe Swatch Exchange file used for saving a collectionofcolors accessed through the Swatches palette of some Adobeproductslike Photoshop. They're used in these programs as plaintextfiles that store information about 2D and3Dscenes.
Moreover, what is an ASE file InDesign?
Reusing Swatches This file is saved as an Adobe SwatchExchange(.ase) file that can be loaded intootherInDesign documents and other Adobe applications suchasIllustrator and Photoshop.
Also know, what does ASE stand for in Illustrator?
Adobe Swatch Exchange
- Right-click on the .ai file to show the context menu.
- Click the "Open With" option. A list of installedprogramsopens.
- Click the "Adobe Illustrator" or another Adobe applicationiconto open the .ai file in the Adobe program.