Asked by: Sarjo Linnartz
travel polar travel

What is an example of a food chain in the tundra?

In the North and South
An example of an Arctic food chain begins as lichens get energy through photosynthesis. Lemmings, which are mouse-like tundra animals, feed off lichens. Snowy owls eat lemmings, while arctic foxes consume the owls. Then foxes become food for polar bears.

Similarly, you may ask, what is one food chain in the tundra?

The food chain in the Arctic Tundra consists of predators such as owls, foxes, wolves, and polar bears at the top of the chain. Predators hunt herbivores, plant eating animals, such as caribou, lemmings, and hares.

Subsequently, question is, what do fish in the tundra eat? Arctic fish eat krill and plankton and are eaten by seals, bear, other large and small mammals, and birds.

Keeping this in consideration, what is the food chain in the Arctic?

In the Arctic, there are several food chains that criss-cross to make a food web, starting with the sun, then producers like phytoplankton in the sea and grasses and lichens on land. Some of the consumers in the food webs are krill, fish, birds, reindeer, and seals.

What are the producers in the tundra?

Arctic tundra moss and lichen "Lichens dominate the tundra as the major primary producer. Many lichens can be covered with ice for up to three years and still remain alive. Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between two organisms – an alga and a fungus.

Related Question Answers

Aventino Lutkehermolle


What are some tundra biomes?

Tundra along the Colville River, Alaska. Tundra is the coldest of all the biomes. Tundra comes from the Finnish word tunturi, meaning treeless plain.

Arctic tundra
  • low shrubs, sedges, reindeer mosses, liverworts, and grasses.
  • 400 varieties of flowers.
  • crustose and foliose lichen.

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Is the sun a producer?

The sun is not a producer, but is directly used by producers. The sun is the source of energy that all living things need to survive.

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A food chain is a way of showing how living organisms get their energy from each other. In the desert, producers like cacti, shrubs, and trees use sunlight to create their own food. Plant producers are then consumed by consumers like insects and mice, who are then eaten by larger animals.

Wiaam Deryagin


Why is the tundra important?

Despite the fact that it might appear to be excessively cold and infertile for any life, the tundra biome is an essential region that is loaded with diverse plants and animals. We require the tundra on the grounds that it has a section in making the biodiversity of the Earth.

Kamla Marklstorfer


Do humans live in the Arctic tundra?

Human Presence:
Not many people are able to live in the arctic tundra, especially areas of the habitat that lie closer to the north pole. In certain areas of Alaska and Canada there are rather large settlements of humans.

Shiela Orbe


What are the two types of tundras?

The two different types of tundra are arctic tundra and alpine tundra.

Hur Mogort


What eats a polar bear?

Arctic cod and other fish species eat the krill, which are in turn consumed by ringed seals, the most abundant seal in the Arctic and the primary prey of polar bears. Bears are opportunistic feeders, and will occasionally hunt more difficult prey such as beluga whales, narwhals and walrus.

Vidal Mokoroa


How do animals get water in the tundra?

Water from melted snow and rainfall cannot seep through the underlying layer of frozen ground. Water collects on the surface, forming bogs, marshes, and wetlands that are the animals' water source.

Maricela Chahbi


What plants are in the Arctic?

Examples of Plants found in the Tundra:
Arctic Moss, Arctic Willow, Caribou Moss, Labrador Tea, Arctic Poppy, Cotton Grass, Lichens and Moss.

Naya Ybarvia


How do people in the Arctic get food?

  1. Hunting and fishing was harder during the winter months because of the thick ice and snow that blanketed the Arctic, but the Inuit were still able to find food.
  2. Winters were spent seal hunting and ice fishing.
  3. Seals were the main source of food during the winter months.

Marey Ustyujanin


How many Arctic animals are there?

The diversity of species (to date: 7,500 animals in the Antarctic and 5,500 in the Arctic, of a global marine life species total estimated at 230,000-250,000); and.

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Where is a polar bear on the food chain?

The polar bear is at the top of the Arctic food chain. Its most common prey is the ringed seal and the bearded seal.

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Who named the Arctic Ocean?

The Arctic was named by the ancient Greeks after a constellation they called Arktos, which is now called Ursa Major, or the Great Bear. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of all the oceans and is covered with ice most of the year.

Landing Dils


Do killer whales eat polar bears?

Killer whales do not eat polar bears and so they do not go out looking for them and killing them. Recent news suggests that Polar Bears have been scavenging on Bowhead Whales killed by Killer Whales in the north. This is suggesting that polar bears will be no more the top predators of the north.

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What is a meadow food web?

Food webs in meadows are pretty typical. It starts off with the producers( plants) such as meadow grass and milkweed. Since they are plants,other animals like deers and rabbits eat them, giving energy to the animals. Consumers are animals eat producers.

Saveta Regordan


Is a polar bear a secondary consumer?

Primary consumers, like zooplankton and small fish, eat the phytoplankton. Seals are secondary consumers and eat the fish and zooplankton. Polar bears are the keystone species, tertiary consumers that help keep the food web in balance.

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What are secondary consumers?

Secondary Consumer Definition. Secondary consumers are organisms that eat primary consumers for energy. Primary consumers are always herbivores, or organisms that only eat autotrophic plants. However, secondary consumers can either be carnivores or omnivores.

Clarencia Klingel


What are 5 plants that live in the tundra?

Some plants that grow in the tundra include short shrubs, sedges, grasses, flowers, birch trees and willow trees. Cushion plants, which, also grow in the tundra, are types of plants that grow low to the ground in tight places.

Atsegiñe Escarmena


What are 3 plants that live in the tundra?

Examples of Plants found in the Tundra:
Arctic Moss, Arctic Willow, Caribou Moss, Labrador Tea, Arctic Poppy, Cotton Grass, Lichens and Moss.