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Regarding this, what is an example of adhesion in everyday life?
Examples of Adhesion You have seen capillary action if you have everdippedthe edge of a paper towel or toilet paper square into apuddle ofwater. That is the adhesion of water in action:watermolecules stick to charged molecules withinthepaper.
Accordingly, what is an example of adhesive forces?
examples: A water droplet is composed ofwatermolecules that like to stick together which is acohesiveforce. While water stuck to a glass rod isadhesiveforce (different particles stucktogether).
Chemical adhesion occurs when the surface atomsoftwo separate surfaces form ionic, covalent, or hydrogen bonds.Theengineering principle behind chemical adhesion in thissenseis fairly straightforward: if surface molecules can bond,then thesurfaces will be bonded together by a network ofthesebonds.