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Just so, what does it mean to compromise on something?
A compromise is a way of settling differences byeverybody making concessions. If you want to stay out until 10 andyour friend wants to stay out until midnight, 11 is a goodcompromise. Compromise comes from the Latincompromissum, which means "mutual promise." It can be a nounor a verb.
Furthermore, how do you use compromise in a sentence?
compromise Sentence Examples
- She had to compromise between herself and her partner.
- No, there could be no compromise on that subject.
- Do not compromise that confidentiality.
- They compromise him and throw on him the responsibility for allthat happens.
noun. The definition of a compromise is when twosides give up some demands to meet somewhere in the middle. Anexample of compromise is a teenager wanting to comehome at midnight, while their parent wants them to come home at10pm, they end up agreeing upon 11pm.