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Simply so, what is an example of Thigmotropism?
A positive thigmotropism is a response towardsthetouch stimulus whereas a negative thigmotropism is aresponseaway from the touch stimulus. Examples ofpositivethigmotropism are the growth of ivy on walls uponcontact towalls and the coiling of tendrils or twiners upon contacttoobjects for support.
Additionally, what is an example of Chemotropism?
Chemotropism in plants An example of chemotropic movement can beseenduring the growth of the pollen tube, where growth isalwaystowards the ovules. It can be also written that conversionofflower into fruit is an exampleofchemotropism.
Eg - Movement of shoot of plant upwards towardslight.The movement of a plant in response to gravity iscalledgeotropism. Eg - Root growing downward. The movementof aplant (or other organism) either towards or away from wateriscalled hydrotropism.