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hyp·o·crite. Use hypocrite inasentence. noun. The definition of a hypocrite isaperson who pretends to have certain beliefs, attitudesorfeelings when they really do not. An example of ahypocriteis a person who says they care about theenvironment, butare constantly littering.
Also asked, what is a sanctimonious person?
Sanctimonious is a twist on the words sanctityandsacred, which mean holy or religious. A sanctimoniouspersonmight think he's holy, but their attitude comes acrossmore like"holier-than-thou."
Also know, how do you deal with a hypocritical person?
- Ignore everyone and act only based on your ownmoralcompass.
- Avoid condemning others.
- Identify context and how it changes the way you think.
- Listen to your cognitive dissonance.
- Reserve judgment until you've actuallyexperiencedsomething.
- Practice integrity.
- Never make promises.
- Don't trust your friends.
A person who shows off iscalledostentatious. However it might look as an adjectivebut it can alsobe used as a noun. Cheers.